Words to Live By

The thing about life lessons is that you never know where they will come from.

It seemed pretty innocuous. Andrew was making us some dinner and reached for the pepper mill. Empty. He opens the mill to add pepper and swears in a way that I have only heard double unders cause from him. I had my back to him as I was washing dises in the sink and thought perhaps he’d lost a finger. Thankfully, it was just the little nub that holds the mill together dropped on the floor and rolled under the fridge.

Innocently, I said I would get it.

I lay down on the floor and it seemed about midway under the fridge so I thought it would be easier to move the fridge. I got up and started pulling the fridge forward.

Two hours later, with the floor and the walls almost restored and the fridge in the middle of the kitchen (so that the wall could get super dry for the spackel and paint that will be a part of my weekend) I asked Andrew, “When was the last time this fridge was moved?”

Andrew: It was here when I bought this place.

That was like 12 or 13 years ago.

If there is anything you ever want to learn from me let it be these five words.

Do. Not. Move. The. Fridge.